
This has been an unusual Christmas with rain and winds. Normally our family goes on a jingle bell ride on Christmas Eve on the horse-drawn carriages in the morning. This is the first year in at least 10 years that we had to cancel due to weather conditions. The rain is so unpredictable, and the weather reports keep changing a few times a day, making it nearly impossible to plan anything ahead. I print a weather report and post it on the bulletin board of the little internet hut every so many days - now I do it daily and it still is not so certain.

There are a couple of sites I use to check the weather, one that I have previously mentioned is Accuweather - and the other that is more detailed the WindGuru, a weather site for the surfers This site is great to check the amount of rain fall and the hour of day the rain falls.

In any case, for the next two weeks we are expecting an old-fashioned Portuguese winter - two days of rain and two days of sun!

Rain or shine, I wish all the od and future guests of Casa do Valle a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy 2010!!!


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