A meal with a view!
'Do you have a restaurant that you can recommend' ? is one of the questions we most answer here at Casa do Valle. Yes, we can recommend many, and there are many we don't recommend. We base our information on two things: on our guest-to-guest book and our consequent visits. We have a book where our guests write to the future guests what they have most enjoyed, least enjoyed, what they would recommend doing and where they would recommend eating - and also NOT eating. We also ask that our guests bring cards of the restaurants they enjoyed and place them in the guests' common space, the internet house. Recently a few new places started appearing in these comments. This entry is of two of them, with a nice view of and over the town. We visited both of them (easily by foot from Casa do Valle), and found them worth writing about. Wine Bar Bistrô da Praça The Port Wine Shop in the main street of town opened a wine bar on the 1st floor - with a ...